21st Spring Meeting
of Young Economists 2016

March 31sT - 2Nd April 2016
ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal

One day left... SMYE 2016, Lisbon - Robert Frank and Jan Fagerberg (keynote speakers, day 1)


21st Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016


March 31st - 2nd April 2016

ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal






Thursday, March 31st 2016




Arrival and Registration


Welcoming address


Keynote Speaker: Jan Fagerberg

The Triple Challenge for Europe: Economic Development, Climate Change and Governance


Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1




Parallel Session 2


Coffee Break


Keynote Speaker: Robert Frank

Success and Luck


Welcome and Information Session



Friday, April 1st 2016




Parallel Session 3


Coffee Break


Parallel Session 4




Parallel Session 5


Coffee Break


Keynote Speaker: Mirjam van Praag

Research in Entrepreneurship Economics: Some Personal Examples


Conference Dinner



Saturday, April 2nd 2016




Parallel Session 6


Coffee Break


Keynote Speaker: Pedro Portugal

The returns to education unveiled




Parallel Session 7

  thursday, 31st march
  friday, 1st  april
     saturday, 2nd april
detailed PROGRAM  


Thursday, March 31st 2016


Parallel Session 1: 11.30am - 1.00pm


Development Economics I (Room C202)

Michael Schleicher

How to Target the Poor: Evidence from Rural Burkina Faso

Atika Pasha

Impact of Cash Grants on Multidimensional Poverty in South Africa

Alexander Coutts

Social Learning in Experimental Games: Evidence from Rwanda


Economics of Education I (Room C205)

Christian Eggenberger

Occupational Specificity of Vocational Education and Training – The Content of Training Curricula and its Impact on Labor Mobility

Stefano Alderighi

The cyclicality of university enrollments in Italy.


International Economics I (Room C104)

Maria Domenica Tito

Import Exposure and Productivity Gaps: are Privately Owned Enterprises pulling away?

Xianjia Ye

Does Factor Endowment Difference Predict Bilateral Factor Trade?

Vera Z. Eichenauer

Towards a Harmonious World? How Chinese Economic Activity Influences Individual Perceptions of China in Latin America


Labour Economics I (Room C103)

Alex Wolf

An empirical Bayes method to estimate resource shares of household members

Philipp Doerrenberg

Asymmetric labor-supply responses to wage-rate changes. Evidence from a field experiment

Michael Christl

Employment effects of minimum wages in Europe revisited


Macroeconomics I (Room B202)

Robert Unger

Traditional Banks, Shadow Banks and the US Credit Boom - Credit Origination vs. Financing

Arno Hantzsche

Sovereign Credit Ratings under Fiscal Uncertainty

Hendrik Hüning

Optimal Public Information Dissemination - Introducing Observational Learning into a Generalized Beauty Contest


Monetary Economics I (Room B201)

Joris Wauters

The Missing Disinflation Puzzle: An Investigation for the Euro Area

Michal Marencák

Nominal threshold prices, microeconomic and aggregate price stickiness

Wojtek Paczos

Optimal Inflation, Average Markups and Asymmetric Sticky Prices


Economics of Migration I (Room C301)

Marlon Seror

Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China

Matthias Wieschemeyer

Short-Run and Long-Run Dynamics of International Migration Flows - New Evidence from Europe 1946 to 2013

Marianna Marino

Mobility research fellowships: A policy evaluation


Behaviour Economics (Room C302)

Mario Mechtel

Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory

Ricardo Correia

Water consumer behaviours and perceptions

Arnd Klein

A matter of perspective: relative income and endogenous fairness views


Political Economy I (Room C201)

Anna Maria Koukal

The Paradox of Democracy

Matteo Alpino

Would you vote for me if I lower your taxes?

Felix Arnold

East German Voter Preferences: The Role of Communist Socialisation versus Experiences of Repression


Parallel Session 2: 2.00 - 3.30pm


Microeconomics I (Room C201)

Helene Mass

Robust Bidding

Uta Schier

Moral values and increasing stakes in a dictator game

Yang Jiang

Non-annuitization in the Annuity Market


Macroeconomics II (Room C104)

Gene Ambrocio

Forecast optimism and over-confidence in the Survey of Professional Forecasters

Sarah Fischer

Anticipated and unanticipated productivity shocks: Implications for monetary policy

Maria Bolboaca

News Shocks: Different Effects in Boom and Recession?


Corporate Finance (Room C202)

Sebastian Link

Do Firms Expect Heterogeneous Shocks?

Davide Melcangi

Firms' precautionary savings and employment during a credit crisis

Michela Altieri

Corporate Bond Guarantees and The Value of Managerial Flexibility


Labour Economics II (Room B201)

Jonathan Stoeterau

Can market-based approaches generate the income needed to disseminate modern energy products via small-scale entrepreneurs? Impact evaluation of a training program in pico-solar and improved cook stoves.

Patrick Schulte

Skill-Specific Technology Diffusion: Evidence from a Panel of Countries and Industries


International Economics II (Room B202)

Linda Borrs

Domestic wage effects of German FDI in the Czech Republic

Jan Behringer

Income Distribution and the Current Account: A Sectoral Perspective

Catherine Laffineur

The effect of foreign direct investments on job-mobility and its consequence on wages


Economics of the Environment I (Room C302)

Mónica Meireles

Clean and dirty technologies under environmental policy

Claudia Schwirplies

(Un)Fair Delegation: Exploring the strategic use of equity rules in international climate negotiations

Giulia Felber

Maritime Trade, Economic Activity and Air Pollution: Evidence from the EU from 2000 to 2010


Industrial Organization I (Room C103)

Jascha Tutt

Price Discrimination Based on Downstream Regulation: Evidence from the Market for SO2 Scrubbers

Astrid Similon

Government Incentives for Private Ownership of Public Goods: Theory and Evidence from Belgium

Jonas Teusch

Yardstick Competition, Unobserved Heterogeneity and Merger Incentives


Economics of the Media (Room C205)

Boriss Siliverstovs

Google Trends and Reality: Do Proportions Match?

Anna Kerkhof

Coverage bias on Wikipedia - Evidence from biographies of German Members of Parliament

Adrian Chadi

Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public


Economics of Migration II (Room C301)

Lisa Sofie Höckel

Collectivism vs. Individualism - How inherited cultural values affect the income of second-generation immigrants in the US

Lea Eilers

Migrants and the housing market: Is there discrimination in Germany?

Anica Kramer

Immigration inflows, inter-regional migration and the boundaries of  local labour markets: An empirical study for the post-war Germany


Friday, April 1st 2016


Parallel Session 3: 9.30 -11.00am


Development Economics II (Room C302)

Marco Delogu

Infrastructure Policy: the role of informality and brain drain

Jolan Mohimont

Empirical Framework for Macroeconomic Policies in South Africa

Aixa Maria Garcia Ramos

Woman's relative wage and intimate partner violence: the case of Mexico


Econometrics (Room C201)

Inna Tsener

A tractable framework for analyzing a class of nonstationary Markov models

Christian Leschinski

Multivariate Spurious Long Memory and a Robust Local Whittle Estimator


Economics of Health I (Room C202)

Olga Lorenz

“Is your commute really making you fat?”: The causal effect of commuting distance on height-adjusted weight

Majlinda Joxhe

Be Happy, Be Healthy! Exploring health outcomes among migrants using Italian microdata

Matthias Minke

Allocation of health resources at the end-of-life: The case of learning spillovers


Labour Economics III (Room C103)

Eva Hank

Job displacement and household income: Evidence from German survey data

Wolfgang Nagl

Income Taxation with Collective Households-An Analysis for Austria

Majda Benzidia

A Bayesian Look at American Academic Wages, The Case of Michigan State University


Microeconomics II (Room C301)

Merike Kukk

Debt repayment problems: what are the implications for consumption?

Nhung Luu

Housing price, growth and business cycle

Carl Maier

Local public goods as perfect substitutes -- Equivalence of centralization and decentralization


Political Economy II (Room B201)

Dijana Zejcirovic

War and Political Participation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Svitlana Tyahlo

How war affects political attitudes: Evidence from eastern Ukraine

Dirk Foremny

'Hold that ghost': Using notches to identify manipulation of population-based grants


Public Finance (Room B202)

Julian Hackinger

Not All Income is the Same for Everyone: Cognitive Ability and the House Money Effect in Public Goods Games

Mariona Segu

Taxing Vacant Apartments: Can fiscal policy reduce vacancy?

Mathias Klein

Austerity and Private Debt


International Economics III (Room C104)

Kevin Lampaert

Intraday Momentum in FX Markets: Disentangling Informed Trading from Liquidity Provision

Charlotte Sandoz-dit-Bragard

Productivity, Misallocation and Trade


Parallel Session 4: 11.30am - 1.00pm


Development Economics III (Room C202)

Marie Lechler

Decentralized Despotism: How Indirect Colonial Rule Undermines Contemporary Democratic Attitudes

Victoire Girard

Don’t Touch My Road. Evidence from India on Segregation and Afirmative Action.

Simone Schotte

Not Middle Class, But Middle Classes: An Assessment for South Africa


Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the EU (Room C301)

Luciana Barbosa

Lending relationships and the real economy: evidence in the context of the euro area sovereign debt crisis

Andrin Bögli

European Puttable Bonds: An Alternative Instrument for Managing the Sovereign Debt Crisis

Sophie Piton

Monetary Integration, Competition and the Nontradable Sector: A European Disease?


Banking and Finance I (Room C205)

Ming-Jin Jiang

Banks in the Venture Capital Market

Johannes Tischer

Bank' Trading after the Lehman Crisis - Flight to Liquidity instead of Fire Sales

Thomas Krause

Bank-specific Shocks, House Price Growth and Macroeconomic Performance in the U.S.


International Economics IV (Room B202)

Bo Gao

Export Quality, Price and Income Distribution

Katharina Erhardt

Nonparametric Effects of Tariff and Nontariff Policy Barriers in General Equilibrium

Elsa Leromain

Politics of Global Value Chains


Labour Economics IV (Room B201)

Povilas Lastauskas

Global Perspective on Structural Labour Market Reforms in Europe

Lucas van der Velde

Task dispersion and within occupation wage inequality

Theodor Vladasel

Entrepreneurship: Results from Sibling Correlation Models


Microeconomics III (Room C201)

Xing Han

Can Investor Sentiment Be a Momentum Time-Series Predictor? Evidence from China

Nicolas Duran

Theory and evidence for spatial dependency in the housing market: addressing the effect of earthquakes on housing prices

Iana Zborshchyk

Why do managers misrepresent financial statements?


Monetary Economics II (Room C103)

Gregor von Schweinitz

Did the Swiss exchange rate shock shock the market?

Sang Seok Lee

Information Value of the Interest Rate and the Zero Lower Bound

Martina Jancokova

Do models account for a globalized world? Evidence from a new monetary policy shock database


Taxes and Investment Behavior (Room C302)

Francisca Rebelo

Debt Overhang or Financial Constraints: Which Holds Investment Back? Evidence from the 2013 Investment Tax Credit in Portugal

Robert Germeshausen

Effects of Attribute-Based Regulation on Technology Adoption - The Case of Feed-In Tariffs for Solar Photovoltaic

Eduard Suari-Andreu
The Retirement-Savings Puzzle Revisited: The Role of Housing as a Bequeathable Asset

Parallel Session 5: 2.00 - 3.30pm


Economics of Migration III (Room C202)

Yvonne Giesing

International Migration, Patenting and Knowledge Flows

Joël Machado

The Gain from the Drain: Skill-biased migration and global welfare

Fabian Dehos

Immigrants and Crime: Evidence from Germany


Economics of the Environment II (Room B201)

Cécile Hediger

Measuring the Direct and Indirect Rebound Effects in Residential Heating in Switzerland

Andreas Gerster

The Power of Mandatory Disclosure - Evidence from the German Housing Market

Maria Arvaniti

When financial imperfections are not the problem but the solution

Financial Behaviour (Room C201)

Marc-André Luik

Human Capital Formation and Financial Behavior: The Case of Adverse Early-Life Health

Jessie Vantieghem

A credit rating puzzle: are investors fooled by credit ratings?

Aida Cumurovic
Financial Literacy and Self-Employment: First Evidence from Germany

Industrial Organization II (Room C301)

Samuel Kembou Nzale

Physicians' payment with personalized medicine.

Petyo Bonev

Implicit Yardstick Competition

Markus Nagler           

Antitrust, Patents, and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from Bell Labs


Economics of Health II (Room C302)

Christian Schmid

Moral hazard and forward looking behavior

Ingrid Dallmann

Dengue, Weather and Urbanization in Brazil

Johannes Schünemann

Going from Bad to Worse: Adaptation to Poor Health, Health Spending, Longevity, and the Value of Life


Labour Economics V (Room C103)

Karol Mazur

Can Welfare Abuse Be Welfare Improving?

Sabrina Jeworrek

The impact of basic performance feedback on the gender tournament gap

Marco de Pinto

Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry


Macroeconomics III (Room B202)

Knut-Eric Joslin

Market Entry with Frictional Matching and Post-Match Bargaining: An Experimental Study

Matthias Wilhelm

Investment in Photovoltaics and Job Creation: Evidence from a Billion Dollar Program

Michal Kobielarz

Sovereign Debt, Bail-Outs and Contagion in a Monetary Union


Monetary Economics III (Room C104)

Alexander Ziegenbein

Assesing the Macroeconomic Effects of Credit Supply Disruptions

Donghai Zhang

The Information Channel of Monetary Policy

Andrej Drygalla

Monetary Policy in an Oil-Dependent Economy in the Presence of Multiple Shocks


Saturday, April 2nd 2016


Parallel Session 6: 9.30 -11.00am


Development Economics IV (Room C302)

Claire Zanuso

Build back better? The Long-lasting impact of the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti.

Shailee Pradhan

To risk or not to risk after a disaster

Guosong Xu

Foreign Bribery and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions


Economics of Education II (Room C202)

Charlotte Ringdal

Is female empowerment always good for child welfare?

Henning Mueller

KIDS-WIN: Working Memory Training for Primary School Children — Field Experimental Data from Germany

Lena Detlefsen

Time Preferences and Birth Order


Banking and Finance II (Room C301)

André Silva

Strategic complementarity in banks' funding liquidity choices and financial stability

Helge Littke

Central Bank Transparency and Cross-Border Banking

Swetlana Kreiser

Banking and the Macroeconomy: A Micro-Macro Linkage


International Economics V (Room C104)

Silvia Delrio

Estimating the effects of global uncertainty in open economies

Boris Georgiev

Trade liberalization and firm-level markups

Rahel Aichele

Going Deep: The Trade and Welfare Effects of TTIP


Labour Economics VI (Room B201)

Thuy Yannick

Getting Grey Hairs in the Labour Market. An Alternative Experiment on Age Discrimination

Rahel Felder

Labour Market Transitions, Shocks and Institutions during the Great Recession: A Cross-Country Analysis

Lisa Leschnig

Central School Exams and Adult Skills: Evidence from PIAAC


Macroeconomics IV (Room B202)

Maarten de Ridder

Policy Shocks and Wage Rigidity: Empirical Evidence from Regional Effects of National Shocks

Clara Martínez-Toledano

The distribution of wealth in Spain: Evidence from capitalized income tax data

Jelena Zivanovic

Corporate Debt Financing and the Business Cycle: US vs. Europe


Monetary Economics IV (Room C103)

Galina Potjagailo

Spillover Effects from Euro Area Monetary Policy across the EU: A Factor-Augmented VAR Approach

Christoph Kaufmann

Optimal Exchange Rate Substitution in a Monetary Union

Rebekka Gätjen

Measuring Connectedness of Euro Area Sovereign Risk via Credit Default Swap Premia and Bond Yield Spreads


Networks (Room C201)

Stijn Baert

Do they find you on Facebook? Facebook profile picture and hiring chances

Sebastian Blesse

Let's stay in touch - Evidence on the role of social learning in local tax interactions


Parallel Session 7: 2.00 - 3.30pm


Labour Economics VII (Room C103)

Benjamin Lochner

Labor Market Sorting in Germany

Iva Trako

Fertility and Parental Labor-Force Participation: New Evidence from a Developing Country in the Balkans

Andreja Lenarcic

Public wage bill adjustment in a small open economy


 Economics of Life Cycle (Room C202)

Viola Asri

Do social pensions reach the elderly poor? Evidence from greying India

Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz

The Effect of Culture on Savings

Veaceslav Grigoras

Population ageing and the prospects of the pension system in Romania


Microeconomics IV (Room C201)

Saara Hamalainen

Obfuscation by substitutes

Andràs Péchy

Only the Data Can Tell: Improving Market Level Demand Function Fit using Micro Level Purchase Histories

Daniel Brunner

A Copula based Quadrature Approach for Demand Estimation


Monetary Economics V (Room B201)

Nuno Palma

The existence and persistence of liquidity effects: evidence from a large-scale historical natural experiment

Joep Lustenhouwer

Managing Heterogeneous and Unanchored Expectations: A Monetary Policy Analysis

Anwar Khayat
Negative Policy Rates, Banking Flows and Exchange Rates

International Economics VI (Room B202)

Pierpaolo Parrotta

Ethnic Diversity and Firm Exporting Behavior

Magdalene Silberberger

Regulation, Trade and Growth

Jens Wrona

Border Effects Without Borders: What Divides Japan's Internal Trade?


Political Economy III (Room C104)

Paul Hufe

Beyond Equal Rights: Equality of Opportunity in Political Participation

Daniel Hopp

The political economy of interregional competition for firms

Manuela Krause

Electoral cycles in MPs’ salaries: Evidence from the German states